Summer classes at Hangar 646

idea to spend the summer actively!

Summer classes at Hangar 646

classes for kids aged 7-14!

Summer classes at Hangar 646

combination of sports and creative activities!

Summer classes at Hangar 646

an active plan for each day!

Summer classes at Hangar 646

basics of gymnastics and acrobatics

Summer classes at Hangar 646

activities tailored to the level of participants

Book now

Classes in Hangar 646

Want to learn new acrobatic elements?


5 days a week

from Monday to Friday

4h a day

varied schedule every day

For children aged 7-14

groups of 6 to 12 participants

Every week throughout the vacations

new group start every Monday

Full offer

check what the classes will look like
Download the offer

Price list

  • Summer classes
    629 PLN
    per week



Our trainers ensure that our participants perform the exercises correctly and use the attractions correctly
Obligatory non-slip socks
Instructional video before entering
Participants all the time under the guidance of the trainer
Exercises tailored to participants' skills