Activities for schools and preschools!

Physical exertion combined with great fun!

Activities for schools and preschools!

no one here brings a sick note!

Activities for schools and preschools!

healthy competition!

Activities for schools and preschools!

sport in the modern sense!

Activities for schools and preschools!

a trip with class!

Book now

Physical Education lessons

A trip with class!

Train with us permanently

or visit us as part of a school trip!

Monday to Friday!

9 am to 5 pm

Groups under the guidance of trainers

we will organise time for your class!

On your level!

activities tailored to the skills and age of participants!

For small and large groups

from 12 people!

We have something for carers!

coffee or tea and a waffle free of charge for carers!

Declaration by the group leader

fill out before visiting us!
Download the offer

Price list

The amount of the advance payment is fixed at PLN 264 and will be paid during the reservation online. We will settle the remaining amount on the spot!
  • Up to 40 persons
    22 PLN
    per person
  • More than 40 persons
    20 PLN
    per person



Our trainers ensure that participants perform the exercises correctly and use the attractions correctly.
One trainer for every 15 persons!
Mandatory non-slip socks
Pre-entry instructional video