Winter classes

with us winter will not be boring!

Sign up for classes

If you don't have plans for the winter holidays yet, and your child wants to spend time actively, these classes are just for them!

We are coming back to you with classes, during which participants will learn the basics of gymnastics and acrobatics in a safe way. In the classes, participants will primarily improve motor coordination, strengthen strength and endurance, and shape a correct figure.



before the start of classes

Practical training

with the use of sports and recreational infrastructure

Strengthening training

focusing on muscle strengthening exercises


for each class participant


  • Zajęcia zimowe
    549 PLN
    za całość (5 lekcji)


Nasi trenerzy dbają o to, aby uczestnicy poprawnie wykonywali ćwiczenia i prawidłowo korzystali z atrakcji
Obowiązkowe skarpetki antypoślizgowe
Film instruktażowy przed wejściem
Uczestnicy cały czas pod okiem trenera
Ćwiczenia dostosowane do umiejętności uczestników